Climate Change Science, Communication, and Action Online Course.
September 11-October 23, 2018
Register Now: Climate Change Science, Communication, and Action
Description: Interested in working toward climate solutions? Want to learn more about how to talk to people about climate change? This course covers the basics of climate change, from science to action, and will assist you in developing a consistent climate message.
In this 6-week online course, you will start by getting to know each other and the basics of climate science and climate change impacts on our food and water supply, and human health (weeks 1-2). You will then learn about climate change communication and environmental psychology research and consider how this can inform your educational and environmental practices (weeks 3-4). Finally, you will learn about climate change and mitigation community solutions as well as examples of climate change communication in action (week 5-6). Each week will feature a discussion question and a quiz. For your final assignment, you will complete a project plan that details how you will apply course material to your practices. You will have two extra weeks after the course ends to submit your final assignment.