Cornell Cooperative Extension Program Work Teams (PWT) are communities of learning and practice that focus on specific Extension areas and issues. PWTs bring Cornell faculty and staff, CCE educators, industry members, and stakeholders together to collaborate and innovate. The Cornell Climate Change PWT was formed in 2010 and includes Cornell faculty, staff, and Extension educators from around New York State. The PWT provides a mechanism through which faculty and Extension educators connect with stakeholders to identify the needs surrounding climate change impacts and opportunities, develop educational materials and decision tools, and provide training opportunities and engagement around climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Campus-County-Stakeholder Connections Connections
- The PWT manages the cornellclimatechange-l@list.cornell.edu listserve to share updates on research, reports, news, events, and Extension projects with the Cornell Community
- The PWT organizes regular check-in meetings, and a meeting during the CCE Ag-Inservice to share updates. Contact the co-chairs for details.
- PWT members participate with the National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI) to share work with other land grant partners.
PWT Co-Chairs
Contact the on-campus and off-campus PWT Co-Chairs to get involved:
- Allison Chatrchyan, Sr. Research Associate, Cornell Climate Smart Solutions Program
- Ave Bauder, Executive Director, CCE Seneca County