Kathy leads the NYSG Extension Team for NY Sea Grant and thrives when working on helping diverse stakeholders wrestle with wicked problems. Most recently, she’s engaged in extension and research on socio-ecological resilience, crude oil transportation, climate-induced human migration, and Climate Stewards. She was PI on a Smith-lever grant that funded the development of the Cornell Climate Stewards curriculum, and is a Co-PI with Allison Chatrchyan, Shorna Allred, and Art DeGaetano on a new integrated Hatch/Smith-Lever project looking at “Increasing Municipal Participation in the NYS Climate Smart Communities Program through Research and Extension.”
Kathy holds a Ph.D., Marine Studies (Marine Policy) from the University of Delaware; a J.D. from the University of Oregon School of Law (Certificate in Natural Resource Law); and a B.A. in Biology and International Relations from the University of Delaware. In her spare time, she loves cooking gourmet dinners with her husband, kayaking and hiking, visiting the ocean and family in Delaware, and and reading great books!
Kathy Bunting-Howarth
Associate Director, New York Sea Grant
Assistant Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Email: keb264@cornell.edu
Web: www.nyseagrant.org