Students in the Cornell Climate Smart Communities capstone class (ENVS4444) presented their final group projects in a “Local Climate Smart Communities Symposium” to provide an overview of local climate action through the NYS Climate Smart Communities program, introduce the new Cornell Climate Stewards Volunteer Program, and present the work of Cornell student teams’ final projects with Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) associations.
Student teams have partnered with six County CCE Associations this spring 2021 semester to conduct research on the NYS Climate Smart Communities program, and help develop materials to launch the new Cornell Climate Stewards program with six counties in the fall of 2021. These County partners include:
- CCE Dutchess County
- CCE Monroe County
- CUCE New York City
- CCE Seneca County
- CCE Tompkins County
- CCE Ulster County
For more information on the symposium, class, or students’ work with CCE associations on the Cornell Climate Stewards Program, contact Dr. Allison Chatrchyan at amc256@cornell.edu.