Fall 2021 Climate Stewards Training
The Climate Steward Program team completed the first pilot training of fifty-one new volunteers from six counties across New York State in the fall of 2021, with our Cornell Cooperative Extension Partners:
- Dutchess County CCE: 11 new Climate Stewards trained
- Monroe County CCE: 10 new Climate Stewards trained
- New York City CUCE: 7 new Climate Stewards trained
- Seneca County CCE: 8 new Climate Stewards trained
- Tompkins County CCE: 8 new Climate Stewards trained
- Ulster County CCE: 7 new Climate Stewards trained
The newly trained stewards completed the twelve-week curriculum, meeting once a week from September to December 2021. They are now working individually or in teams to implement their own Climate Stewards Volunteer projects. This pilot program was funded by the USDA Smith-Lever Program and NYSERDA.
Read the final report of the pilot program: NYSERDA Final Report_CornellClimateStewardsPilotProgram_Fall2021.