As you may know, the Cornell Institute for Climate Change and Agriculture (CICCA) has recently become the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS – prouounced “kicks”). This decision to change our name was made after many months of thoughtful discussion and input from faculty and stakeholders, the Climate Smart Farming (CSF) Extension team, CALS Communications, and with full support of the CALS Dean. CICSS will continue to focus on facilitating interdisciplinary climate change-related research, grant proposal development, and extension and outreach projects. A core focus will also continue to be on climate change and agriculture, with the Cornell Climate Smart Farming (CSF) Program, and CSF Extension Team. But changing the name of the institute will offer us a broader agenda – in many cases work that the Institute is being asked to help address. For example, affiliated social science faculty are working on research projects related to municipal action on climate change, stakeholders belief and action, and climate change communication.  CICSS has been helping facilitate climate change projects on campus (such as climate change literacy), developing new youth education and proposals for Master Volunteer training programs, working on policy outreach, co-organizing the University-wide climate change seminar series, and helping organize the Cornell Delegation to COP 21 and COP 22. Many of these initiatives would not happen without the leadership from the Institute. Come visit us online, or in Rice Hall (102-105).