On August 22nd and 23rd of 2022 the Cornell Climate Stewards team led by Allison Chatrchyan, Sr. Research Associate at Cornell University, and Katherine Bunting-Howarth, Associate Director for the New York Sea Grant and the Cooperative Extension, hosted a training event for current and new counties to participate in training this year’s cohort of Climate Stewards Volunteers. There were 10 total representatives from 9 new counties in attendance: Chautauqua, Clinton, Erie, Madison, Niagara, Otsego, Schenectady, Schuyler, and Schoharie. With this influence the program can spread to volunteers all around the state of New York!
The first day was introductions, orientation, and climate science. Opening the topic of Climate Science by receiving a lecture from Dr. Art DeGaetano as a guest speaker and ending with Gwendolyn Gallagher, the Coastal Climate Specialist of the New York Sea Grant presenting the CCS Climate Science module. Afterwards, we all met to have a team dinner for team building and further networking to cap off the first day of training.
The second day of training kicked off with a light breakfast. Averell Bauder, CCE Senecas Executive Director, presented the module on Local Governments. Katherine Bunting-Howarth presented the Effective Communications module. After taking a lunch break at the Dairy Bar, the newest CCS module, Climate Justice, was taught. Being a new module, this presentation was open to remarks for further editing which created a deep and insightful conversation about justice related issues. Created and led by Chloe Long, Cornell University Senior and CCS intern, with assistance from Antonius Chess Jr., the Natural Resources Educator at CCE Monroe. The in-person training ended with remarks from Allison and a briefing on the CCS website and social media platforms.
The group of future coordinators is enthusiastic, and all bring unique perspectives to an ever-growing program. With 12 Counties now providing the Climate Stewards program at their local Cornell Cooperative Extensions, the program’s influence will spread wide and more communities will have the potential to be Climate Smart Communities.