Cornell University will be hosting the Dairy Environmental Systems and Climate Adaptation Conference from July 29-31, 2015. This two-day regional conference will feature a unique opportunity to learn about regional climate trends and national and international drivers, along with emerging dairy housing and manure management systems and, adaptation strategies for agriculture in the Northeast and upper Midwest.
Nestlé’s Corporate Head of Agriculture in Switzerland, Hans Jöhr, will be delivering the Keynote Address for the conference. Jöhr is responsible for providing technical and strategic leadership for Nestlé’s world-wide agricultural raw material supply chain. Active in all facets of agri-business, and having grown up on a family farm, Mr. Jöhr has extensive experience based on several long-term international assignments and additionally has consulted in over 40 countries.
Jöhr will discuss the role of climate change with respect to global agricultural policy decision making, and will highlight the importance of planning for and adapting to perceived changes in climate and their impact on production agriculture. This event will take place on Wednesday, July 29th from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Statler Auditorium at Cornell University, and is open to the public. There will an ice cream social to follow.
The conference is being co-hosted and co-organized by Cornell’s PRO-DAIRY Program: Dairy Environmental Systems Group; the Cornell Institute for Climate Change and Agriculture; the Animal Agriculture and Climate Change Project, Sustainable Dairy Cap Project (USDA-NIFA); and the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA). For conference details or to register, visit: http://prodairy.cals.cornell.edu/dairy-climate-conference.