
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future,
but, at the same time,
addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity
to promote prosperity, security, and a brighter future for all.”

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General of UN


Resources for Communities

It can be difficult for a community to know where to start when it comes to assessing the risk and vulnerabilities associated with climate change, and prioritizing actions. Below are a few resources to help communities with climate action planning, but contact our team or your local Cooperative Extension educator if you have questions and we can point you in the right direction:

Climate Change Science & Impacts

Climate Change Solutions:

Climate Change Communication


  • NYS Climate Impacts Assessment Chapter on Ecosystems: NYS Climate Impacts Assessment 05 – Drinking water, water used for agriculture and hydropower, flooding in non-coastal regions, and overall water quality in the face of climate change.
  • : Ecosystems (Chapter 6) – Effects on and adaptation strategies for aquatic ecosystems, fish and wildlife, ecosystem services, wetlands, forests, grasslands, invasive species and more.
  • Cornell Dept. of Natural Resources: Natural Resource Extension Programs and Tools: ForestConnect, Sugar Maple, Master Forest Owner Volunteer Program, Agroforestry Learning Communities, Wetlands, Streams, and Ponds, and Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation Programs.
  • Hudson River Estuary: Watershed Resilience Project: Cornell Extension project building long-term resilience to extreme weather and climate change in the Hudson River estuary watershed.
  • NYS Water Resources Institute: Climate Change Programs: Examines the effects on flooding, drinking water, commercial/agricultural water, water quality and more.