Spring 2023 Cornell Climate Stewards CCE Volunteer Training
Congratulations to our Spring 2023 cohort of volunteers from across New York State for becoming certified Cornell Climate Stewards! Huge shoutout to our CCE coordinators and training staff for making this program a success!
From March through June 2023, our team trained volunteers from the following counties:
- Clinton County CCE:4 Volunteers
- Erie County CCE: 7 Volunteers
- Madison County CCE: 2 Volunteers
- Monroe County CCE: 4 Volunteers
- Niagara County CCE: 1 Volunteers
- Orange County CCE: 6 Volunteers
- Schenectady County CCE: 10 Volunteers
- Schoharie and Otsego County CCE: 3 Volunteers
- Schuyler County CCE: 2 Volunteers
- Seneca County CCE: 1 Volunteer
41 Total Volunteers in 11 different Counties!
If you are interested in participating in a future Climate Stewards volunteer training, please contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) office. You can find your local CCE office contact here: https://cals.cornell.edu/cornell-cooperative-extension/local-offices.
Interested in local action to address climate change in your community?? Check out our CCS resources or find out if your community is registered or certified with the NYS Climate Smart Communities Program. (Don’t live in NY? Check out other similar programs in other states).